Turkey Tail and Maitake Tincture
Dried Turkey Tail and Maitake medicinal mushrooms infused in Vodka.
Dilute 1 dropper daily in your favorite hot drink and you will :
Increase energy levels,
Boost your immune system
Reduce inflammation
Support your guts
Fight bacteria
Lower blood sugar levels
Reduce cholesterol and increase heart health !
Please don’t take my world for granted
Do your own research and you will find out that everything above is backed up by western scientific researches.
Traditional Chinese medicine knows the benefits of medicinal mushrooms since millennium from observations and it is confirmed by western medicine.
Turkey tail mushrooms are particularly helpful for patients with breast cancer and colon cancer along with their treatments.
The cancer drug called Kresin, PSK, PSP seems to be derived from Turkey tail’s mushroom.
On top of its own benefits Turkey tail, used side by side with western chemotherapy downplays the negative side effects of chemo.
But let’s be clear, the fact that it helps when someone is already diagnosed with a serious and potentially lethal condition is great but I believe it is much more better to prevent those diseases and take those supplements during several weeks as a prevention.
Do you know that ancient Chinese doctors were paid to maintain their patients in good health but had to work for free if their patients felt sick 🤒.
This statement and product was not approved by The FDA.
Please reach out to your MD